Bp. Elmer’s homily on Palm Sunday, 5 April 2020
The Church around the world enters into the holiest week of all. “Holy” means consecrated for the purpose of contemplating the acts of our Lord in His final days on earth. In His final days, His every step was carefully taken, leading to suffering then to victory. In the Garden, the virus of death entered humanity through Adam’s sin; ever since then, it has been destroying God’s creation. In this Holy Week we witness the mighty works of God, by which He reversed the virus of sin and death and gave humanity hope.
Today we contemplate what our Lord experienced: feigned or fake worship, mockery, betrayal, total abandonment… He became the object of man’s cruelty in putting an innocent Man to death on a cross. Humanity was oblivious and complicit, while the forces of darkness did not have a clue what was going on, but it only led to their defeat.