by Samuel Miguel
On January 22, some youth, including myself, took part in a march. The March for Life.
It is organized every year. However most of us had never participated in an event like this. It is a march that fights against abortion and euthanasia.

Everything went well in general, I was able to discuss with other people about our church, my faith and how I became a Christian…
However, it was not so easy to share because I was not used to talking about it to strangers. It was a real challenge for me and being able to share on all these subjects that concern our beliefs has been very enriching because it allows us to distinguish all our similarities and all our differences while having the same objective in the end.
Despite the cold weather that day, everyone remained dynamic and committed. It was very inspiring to see.
I went to this event with only one thing in mind, to walk with other Christians in order to proclaim that every life is precious, every life has value and must be respected, from birth to the end of our life.
Being united is what will create more impact in this world.