by Malou Caguiwa
The Church commemorates the Conversion of Saint Paul because of it’s supreme importance to Christians.
The Conversion of Saint Paul was the most decisive moment in the development of God’s Kingdom on earth, thanks to his uncompromising spirit who brought the faith of Christ to Europe.
As Corinthians 15:10 says: “God’s grace in me has not been fruitless”.
As our patron saint, we, the parishioners ICCEC Paris are indebted to him.
by Shalimar Umali
January has been a busy month for the parishioners of ICCEC Paris. On the 22nd of January, many of our members attended the March for Life. A week later, we celebrated the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle, the patron Saint of ICCEC Paris.

The Holy Mass was attended by over 300 people, which marked a new milestone since this number has never been reached before. Ushers had to place additional chairs at the entrance, while some members offered their seats to others, remaining standing for the entire mass. We received an awe-inspiring message by Bishop Elmer Belmonte, who also asked us to gather our family around and pray for each other.
Towards the end of the Holy Mass, each Home Cell Group presented a 2 to 3 minute long video, wherein they described their own group.
Afterwards, we all proceeded to the community hall, where four colorful decorated booths were prepared, each representing the Tagalog, Kapampangan, Ilocano and Bicol & Visaya group of the Philippines and offering their respective regional specialties, including delicious desserts.

Not to mention, entertainment was part of the program too. Games were played, dances and singing numbers were performed by each group representing the mentioned Filipino regions, which contributed to our goal for this event: to enjoy, to be connected and to be a family, where everyone belongs.

We also had the honor to welcome our special guests: the ambassador of the Philippines to France, Her Excellency Junever M. Mahilum-West and Vice-Consul Joyce Marison Camacho.
At the end, we all helped in cleaning, taking down all decorations and rearranging all the tables and chairs, keeping the place all tidy and everything in their proper place. “C’est nickel!”, as the French say.
Everyone left with a smile on their face. Souls and spirits were fed, and tummies too.
Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam
(For more pictures, go to page 2)