Cursillo November 2022

Another Cursillo took place last November (2nd-4th) 2022, at the convent of the Polish Catholic Mission in La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, in the suburbs of Paris, France.

~What is the Cursillo?

The Cursillo is a catechism course that usually lasts 3 days. It is a spiritual retreat, especially meant to educate and prepare catechumens for Baptism or Confirmation.

Our Cursillos are based on the Catechism of the ICCEC. Since we only have 3 days, the schedule is quite heavy: the day starts at 6 a.m. with a Morning Prayer and ends with a Compline at 10 p.m.

Despite the intensive studying, participants were quick to express their joy when they looked back at their experience.
In a note addressed to the staff, one catechumen commented:
“Thank you for accompanying us towards our relationship with God. Our whole stay was incredible.”

Another added: “Thank you for enabling us to experience such a journey, especially the experience of God Himself. It was very enriching. I hope we can do [something like] this again”.

All the participants were eager to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
So, on November 20, 2022, during his episcopal visit, the Most Reverend Jose Elmer Belmonte confirmed them in front of the congregation of St. Paul, Paris.

Congratulations on your Confirmation, batch of 2022!!

The confirmands were Ana-Sonia, Catherine, Eloisha, Gabriel, Hazley, Jean-Edward, Kean, Paola Mae and Tobby.

A special thanks to the teachers Fr. Irwin, Fr. Dominador, and Dcn. Matthieu. As well as the staff members Miguel, Robbie Jet, Stephanie and Justin.

Soli Deo Gloria! Dcn. J. D. Bautista

Watch our ‘recap’ video of the Nov. 2022 Cursillo here:

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