UPDATE on the Refugee Crisis in DR Congo and UgandaOffice of the Patriarch – March 1, 2022 While the world rightly focuses on the tragedy in Ukraine, please do not forget to pray for the continuing refugee crisis in DR Congo and Uganda. Sunday night, rebels murdered at least 18 people, mainly civilians, and drove hundreds more to flee across the border to Uganda. Many of these refugees are members of our 39 churches in Bishop Jacques Muhindo’s diocese. Our Ugandan churches, leaders, and parishioners are actively ministering to the refugees, welcoming them into their churches and homes, and sharing their own scarce resources. Bishop Hannington Bahemuka has been able to secure some food, supplies, and medicines, but the needs are overwhelming. The General Secretary, Bishop Frances Gogo, wrote after his visit to the border, “I visited a Church which is hosting many refugees. It’s a pitiable situation. Children did not have food, so what we gave them to eat was not enough…. Please pray for us to help those needy people of God.” UPDATE on Archdeacon Bazara’s three kidnapped children. In the confusing early days of this crisis, we reported that three sons were abducted from Archdeacon Bazara, but we have confirmed that it was two teenage daughters and an adult son. Miraculously, the son escaped and crossed into Uganda yesterday, but the daughters were taken as wives of one of the rebel leaders. Please pray for God’s protection and their speedy release. The situation in DR Congo and Uganda is still uncertain. As soon as it is stable, we will send funds to help those in need. If you want to participate, click here: See the February 2022 Refugee Crisis in Uganda/Congo |